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Our Story (Through the Years)

Worcester Telegram and Gazette - Saturday, August 23, 2003

WORCESTER- It is freshmen move in day here at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and the campus is buzzing. As one new student described it, “The first day of the rest of my life” said Phillip Sweeney, an arriving freshman from Milford, MA. The young man looked overjoyed to see his new “digs” on the third floor of Daniels Residence Hall. “I think I dodged a bullet” he said referring to his mistaken first choice of the smaller single occupancy rooms available in other residences on campus. “I think this will give me a better chance to meet some cool new people” Sweeney commented. 


Meanwhile a similar feeling was emerging on the opposite side of Daniels third. Jenna Geddes,   current Worcester resident, was settling into her new room. “I wanted to go here for a while now and although I am not that far from home, I am looking forward to making new friends. They say the friends you make in college, you make for a lifetime.” commented Ms. Geddes.

Worcester Telegram and Gazette - Monday, December 1, 2003

WORCESTER- It is nearing the end of B Term at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and that means one thing: students with noses in their books,  focused completely on their final exams prior to winter break. As a distraction from the typical end of year stress, we followed up with some freshmen students to reflect on the past semester and comment on the New Year to come.
“This year has been great. After a few months of pursuit, I finally landed the guy I wanted”, remarked Jenna Geddes , referring to Phillip Sweeney, another WPI freshman the T&G met back in August. The two met during WPI’s new student orientation, playing the name game.


The rules of the name game are simple; you recite a food name that starts with the same letter of your name. Over thinking it, Mr. Sweeney decided to help his classmates by choosing a food, Fritos to be exact, that had the same phonetic sound as his own name, noting that no “P” foods would sound like his own name. This led to even more confusion as the astute WPI students indeed thought that Mr. Sweeney’s name started with an “F”.  “It was funny and kinda cute” commented Ms. Geddes. “For a second we didn’t think he knew how to spell his own name!”   “People gave me a hard time about it” remarked Sweeney, “but I don’t care, at least I got the girl. Now I just need to get through this calculus exam in one piece”.

The Times - Monday, November 15, 2004

LONDON – The city of London is alive with hope as the city prepares for its bid for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. In an effort to garner international support, we came upon two American tourists, both students, who wanted to share their support for our beloved city. “London is Amazing!” commented Phillip Sweeney of Worcester, MA USA. “Actually, the whole county is quite nice. I got a chance to meet my girlfriend’s family up in Glasgow and now we are celebrating our one year anniversary at the London Eye”.  Jenna Geddes, who was accompanying Mr. Sweeney, was of equal sentiment. “London is a very cool mix of things past and present. I am excited to be here with my boyfriend and just take it all in”. When asked what they wish they could take back to the US, both replied “the Tube!!”

New York Times – Tuesday, August 28, 2007

NEW YORK – Wall Street is bustling this week amid fears that problems in the mortgage market may prompt a global credit crunch. While this fear may be spawning new opportunity for Wall Street insiders, the Times decided to reach out to some recent college hires from the “Big Three” US investment firms to get their personal perspective on the current situation.  “Something doesn’t feel right” says, Phillip Sweeney, a Technology Analyst at Goldman Sachs who moved here from the Boston area. “They have been training us on how the markets work; meanwhile we are watching them crumble. That is not to say things won’t get better though. On a more personal level, I just moved here with my girlfriend and we plan on making NYC our new home. Luckily, for us, she landed a great job at Sloan-Kettering, so there is some security there. Plus, I could always get a job selling hot dogs out at Yankee Stadium, Fenway Franks of course”


Boston Globe – Wednesday, September 1, 2010


BOSTON- It’s that time of year again. Boston’s narrow streets will be filled with moving vans and box trucks this week as the annual flood of college students return to our fair city. The Globe estimates that about 250,000 students will return to the Hub this year for the fall semester, most of which over the next 48 hours. While most students will be signing new leases; an emerging trend is to buy a part of the city for their own. “It just makes sense” says, Jenna Geddes an incoming Immunology PhD candidate at Harvard Medical School. “It is a buyer’s market and we get to build equity while I am in school. Not to mention, we only need to move once”. Ms. Geddes, who moved here with her boyfriend, Phillip Sweeney, is a new resident of the Jamaica Plain (JP) neighborhood. When asked what brought them here from their previous home in Manhattan, Ms. Geddes replied “well you don’t say no to Harvard, New York was fun, but I’m a Boston girl and love being within walking distance to Fenway and driving distance to see my Patriots!”.


Las Vegas Sun – Tuesday, May 17, 2011


LAS VEGAS – The Beatles music has inspired multiple generations of people and their “Love” show at the Mirage is on its way to doing the same. Approaching its five year anniversary, the Sun decided to learn more about what makes “Love” so successful, both in this context and in general. Jenna Geddes and Phillip Sweeney attended the show last night, and returned to the Mirage tonight to marvel at the fire presentation as a newly engaged couple.

“It was very romantic” says Ms. Geddes. “He got us a suite at the Venetian larger than our condo in Boston. The room was lit up with over 50 tea lights, rose pedals led the way into the bedroom, which had platter of hand dipped chocolate covered strawberries and champagne on ice. The radio was turned to smooth jazz station playing softly in the background. I kind of got lost in the moment, not realizing he stepped away to get the ring, before I knew it he was down on one knee asking me to marry him!”

“I was very nervous” Mr. Sweeney remarked. “I am relieved at the end result, but it wasn’t without a few glitches on the planning. I tried to get a hold of her dad earlier in the day to ask for permission on the proposal. After he saw so many missed calls, he actually called Jenna to make sure everything was ok. Thankfully, I was able to cover my tracks and we were able to speak privately later on, in which he gave his blessing. A few hours later, I had another snafu where the concierge’s team arrived a little early to set the room. Fortunately, I was the one to answer the door, seeing carts with the supplies from with the room layout I designed over the past week. I was able to wave them off in the nick of time as Jenna met me at the door to leave for dinner. “Who was that?” she said. “Turn down service” I replied. Thankfully, she bought it!”

          See you in Boston!!

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