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Wedding Party

Meg LaComfora

Maid of Honor

Meg and Jenna first met back in Kindergarten (there are pictures to prove it; crooked bangs and all!) however, they didn’t become best friends until middle school. It was that faithful Saturday when Meg forgot her math book at school and she reluctantly called Jenna, who lived down the street from her, to ask to borrow hers. So Jenna walked up the street to Meg’s house and knocked on the front door (yes the front door). That day Meg and Jenna became best friends and really the rest is history. Meg and Jenna can now often be found drinking a bottle wine together and watching either their beloved Boston sports teams or reality television.


Joe Sweeney

Best Man

Joe is Phil's younger brother, and also his best man.  Phil and Joe were very close growing up, sharing many interests, especially a love for the game of ice hockey. In fact, Joe and Phil still play on the same team today. When they aren't playing hockey, Joe and Phil enjoy other pass times such as watching hockey on TV, going to hockey games and reminiscing about hockey. They both also make a hobby of bullshitting each other, other family members, friends and unsuspecting victims.   Joe is currently studying for a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University....or so he says.


Chrissy Geddes


Chrissy is Jenna’s younger sister. While they didn’t always get along growing up (Chrissy liked to destroy Jenna’s things), they are now good friends. Although they are sisters, most will tell you they aren’t very alike (aside from their identical laugh). Despite their differences they do share a love of watching all of their Boston sports teams, but of course their favorite sports teams are different, as Chrissy prefers the Red Sox, while Jenna is a New England Patriots girl!

Julianne Sweeney


Julianne is Phil’s younger sister, so of course Julianne and Jenna first met a few months after Phil and Jenna started dating (almost 9 years ago now!). Julianne has always wanted a sister and Jenna is thrilled to join their family. Julianne and Jenna both share an interest in medicine, as Julianne is a RN at the VA and Jenna is pursuing a PhD in Immunology. Hence, both families know they are in good hands for the future...Jenna will develop the drugs and Julianne will dole them out :-)

Cat Ushinksi


Cat and Jenna first met in high school where they learned that they both loved scrapbooking (as well as being organized!) and board games. Jenna has a way of luring Cat into doing lengthy physical activity, including a half-marathon in Disney World and the 20-mile Walk for Hunger in Boston. In the future, you can probably find them doing some other crazy run/walk that Jenna thinks “will be fun”.


Erin Mazuera


Erin and Jenna met freshman year at WPI where they lived on the same floor of Daniels Hall (YAY D3!). Then junior and senior year, Erin and Jenna lived together in an apartment on Somerset Street, where their rooms were right next to each other. It was then that Jenna and Erin became fast friends, as both share a love of traveling and delicious food. When they get together, they can now be found sampling from menus at various restaurants throughout Massachusetts (where Jenna currently lives) and Connecticut (where Erin currently lives).

Dani Leveille


Dani and Jenna have known each other since their high school years. Dani is known to make Jenna laugh hysterically with her witty one-liners (they always seem to come at just the right time!). Dani is a true music lover and although her favorite band is Aerosmith, she even joins Jenna, Cat and Meg at their Kris Allen and American Idol concerts :-) . Dani can now often be found playing guitar in her band in and around Worcester, MA.


Jason Mintz


Jason has been friends with Phil for the last 5 years after meeting him at their former workplace, Goldman Sachs. They both share an experience of going to college within Massachusetts, have technology as their profession and passion, and when visiting each others hometown on a Sunday afternoon, will never miss a Patriots or Giants game if it is on television. Jason is currently working as a software developer at Standard and Poors in New York City.


Ryan Murphy


Ryan is Phil's childhood friend from his hometown Milford.  Ryan and Phil met in middle school and they still remain close friends today. The two can normally be found at one of Boston’s revered sporting venues cheering for the hometown favorites (or booing the teams from New York). Ryan is currently an auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers.


Dan Mezynski


Dan and Phil attended Worcester Polytechnic Institute together and studied the same major. At WPI, they worked on several projects including their senior project, which due determination, perseverance and large amounts of caffeine, was successfully completed and let the two graduate and enter the workforce a semester early. Dan currently works as an Engineer for Iron Mountain.  He currently resides in Brighton, where he spends his time playing dodgeball, drinking local craft beers, and playing with his new puppy, Penny.


Sean Mulready


Sean attended WPI with Phil, where they were roommates for three years. From the beginning of college it was apparent they would become close friends, participating in many similar activities including: watching Boston sports, sneaking food from the dining hall, creating mixtures of beverages, consuming mixtures of beverages, playing games while consuming said mixed beverages, traveling to other colleges to participate in activities involving beverages, and some combination of the previous. Phil and Sean remain good friends after college and have expanded their interests to include attending festivals which celebrate some of the aforementioned beverages. In his spare time, Sean works as an Engineer for BAE Systems.


John Peterson


John and Phil met on Craigslist (no..not that section). After responding to a roommate ad for a NYC area apartment, John moved in with Phil (and eventually Jenna) and the two tackled the big city which helped launch their respective careers, and fostered a good friendship. John is also a culinary master, with a specialty in grilled meats, his “Luther Burger” is world renown. John currently works as a Mechanical Engineer at Cosentini Associates in New York City.


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